Leetcode and Freecodecamp

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Leetcode and Freecodecamp

Hey, it's been a while since my last post in this blog. Today I wanted to share some links for those working on Leetcode problems and algorithms.

Leetcode's home page is very confusing making you jump on the first 'easy' problem and attempt to solve it without any plan. That's what actually I did.

What I learned recently - Leetcode has Explore section where all problems are divided into groups and sprinkled with theory. This gives your self-study more structure and sense. I am currently working on Binary Search Tree problems and crying.

Freecodecamp has updated their curriculum and now have Interview Preparation section with algorithms and even take-homes.

Why am I grinding data structures and algorithms? To make my brain work differently, refresh basic JavaScript concepts along the way and catch up with computer science degree people.